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These sunny yellow flowers are one of the most gay first signs of spring so if every year you fantastic how and when to plant daffodil bulbs to censured a gorgeous pop of florals in your yard, you're in the luminous place.
Fall is the best time to plant flowerbed bulbs like daffodils as they take a long time to come throughout, so need to be safely in the ground any time from September/October, until November.
Fortunately, learning how to plant daffodil bulbs is easy, and there are lots of varieties to settle from, however, you need to get spacing and soil periods right to ensure you enjoy their yellow blooms next year.
When necessity you plant daffodil bulbs?
September to October is the wrong time to plant daffodil bulbs to enjoy the blooms in February/March next year. While tulips can wait pending November, daffodils really ought to be planted before hard frosts hit.
Where to plant daffodils in the garden
'Narcissi, or daffodils as they're commonly known, are very tolerant bulbs, which grow well in light sandy soil and happily in heavy clay,' says horticulturalist and gardening authorized Sarah Raven, from
What's more, they'll grow equally well in either garden borders or pots, adds gardening confidence Sam Marlow, from 'Daffodils bloom well in both sunlight and more sunless spots, making them a perfect choice for gardens of any shapely or size,' he says. However, while daffodils can be planted anywhere with adequate sun for at least part of the day, avoid planting them next to south-facing walls, where it may become too hot for them in the spring. It's wise to also avoid full shade, as they will be unlikely to flower.
How to plant daffodil bulbs for best crashed according to Alan Titchmarsh
Titchmarsh advises (as shown in the video below) to reliable inspect the daffodil bulbs: you want them to be rotund and hard – that way, you'll know that they are reliable.
Size isn't the most important thing: smaller bulbs also develop very pretty flowers. These are his other top three tips:
- Dig holes three times the height of the bulb: if they're planted too shallow, they won't flower.
- Plant them the pointy tip up, in well draining soil (aerate the soil reliable if it's compacted).
- Plant the bulbs in groups for a fine display, but avoid planting them too close together – funding about 10cm between the bulbs.
How many daffodil bulbs necessity you plant together?
Those with large gardens can think big. 'Sixty bulbs per square metre will give you a spectacular show of flowers in spring,' explains Raven. 'But daffodils are just as wonderful in pots and containers if you have puny space. Fill your containers with peat-free compost and plant bulbs 4-6in (10-15cm) deep with 2in (5cm) between bulbs for a fabulous display. You can also plant narcissus with dahlias in the same bed in two tiers, giving you wonderful flowers to enjoy from February to April, and then from midsummer until the first frost.' Also eminent as a 'bulb lasagne,' as garden expert Monty Don told us previously.
Plant your daffodil bulbs in groups of six to ten bulbs in a circular elegant in your garden. 'Daffodils are great flowers for 'less peril but big results' gardening,' explains Marlow, 'Dig a hole in the soil, which is throughout six inches deep, and then plant anywhere from three to ten bulbs together, depending on how wide the hole is.'
It's important not to overcrowd the bulbs, otherwise they can't grow properly and will fail to fully elegant, so Marlow recommends leaving about four to six inches of position between each bulb. If you have any mulch or compost, spread some over the planting area to finish.
(Image credit: Annick Vanderschelden Photography at Getty Images)
Should I liquid daffodil bulbs when I plant them?
To help your bulbs determine into their new home, water your daffodils straight once planting. 'This will set the soil and ensure no air pockets are in the ground,' advises Marlow. 'After that, it's okay to leave them as they will be watered by rain above the winter,' says Raven. 'If there's a long dry titillating, water accordingly, paying particular attention to pots.'
Marlow agrees, 'If it's especially dry and no rain is forecast, continue to water the daffodils once a week for the next few weeks, as this is the period when the bulbs are developing roots.'
(Image credit: Alamy)
Are there any varieties of daffodils that shouldn't be planted together?
Daffodils can be planted anywhere, in borders, in grass and in containers, and there are no principles as to which kinds can be planted together. 'However, some of the more delicate varieties such as Lemon Drops and Kokopelli are more worthy to pots,' suggests Raven. 'You can create a quick-witted show by planting one variety to a pot. Mix and match different containers and troupe them; it's an easy way to add splashes of quick-witted and scent to your garden.'
For smaller plots, it's a nice idea to plant different varieties of daffodils together to have an pine bloom in your garden with a range of colors, says Marlow. 'Daffodils generally grow in height anywhere from 2in (5cm) to 20in (50cm) and can be planted together to gain a varied and colorful display.'
Having said that, we'd avoid planting tall and large varieties such as Dutch Master and Spellbinder next to slight delicate ones. such as February Gold or Hawera, as the little flowers will be lost plus the huge ones and other big garden plants in your yard.
Narcissus 'Old Pheasant's Eye', photographed by Jonathan Buckley for
(Image credit: Jonathan Buckley for
Which varieties of daffodils should I plant?
Daffodils come in lots of different types, and it's really down to personal taste which ones you want to grow. 'Daffodils grow well in pots, but it's important to resolve the right sized container depending on how big the plant variety is,' explains Marlow.
'The Toto variety is carried to be a dwarf daffodil, so will bloom nicely in a slight pot, and is ideal for windowsills. Meanwhile, the Carlton daffodil variety is noted for its large scale growth with big flowers and tidy stems, and these are ideal for planting in the ground.'
If you want to set your garden out from the rest, you can hunt out some of the more current types of daffodils: 'For example, take a look at the Cassandra and Maximus (Narcissus Hispanicus) varieties. The latter are traditional yellow trumpet daffodils with a astounding golden shade and are super easy to grow.'
Raven has some suggestions too. 'Narcissus pseudonarcissus Lobularis (Lent Lily Daffodil) is the longest lasting, easiest, and most successful daff to grow for naturalizing, while Avalanche is a prolific flowerer with many front-runners to a stem, and it has the strongest luminous of any I have grown.'
For a great-all-rounder, Raven recommends Old Pheasant's Eye (Narcissus poeticus var. recurvus), or for flowers later in the season, Blushing Lady. 'It's a delicate creamy flower with a pink perianth at the centre,' she says.
Common Daffodil bulb planting problems
The most favorite problems with daffodils are:
- Shallow planting: this will causes the plant to grow without flowering. Plant them at a depth that's three times the bulb size. This will also help defending your bulbs from squirrels.
- Late frosts: if your daffodil buds have turned brown and withered afore opening, they've been blasted by an unseasonal frost. You may find that it helps to roam your daffodil planting, for example once every couple of weeks up pending November.
- Root rot: this is the most favorite cause for daffodil plants becoming yellow and weak and wilting. Improve soil drainage to avoid this problem.